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How to use Reverse Image in Computer or Mobile?

Learn step by step how to find similar photos in the Google search with this tutorial.

Searches with images are a Google feature with which users can find similar images, the source of the photographs or up to the date in which an image was uploaded to the internet.

This functionality of Google Images is part of the advanced search options and allows users to use images to use the search engine instead of text.

It is a useful tool to identify if an original image has been shared on websites or has been modified and manipulated. It can yield results on how many photos of a person are available and also allows to identify the original source of the images or the dates in which they were uploaded.

The algorithm of Google is based on features such as figures, metadata and even the elements portrayed to give answers to similar images.

Step by Step for Reverse Image

1. In your Chrome browser or in Google Images, click on the camera icon that is located in the search bar.

2. Select the image you want to relate. To do so, you can choose to upload the file directly from your computer or copy and paste a link from the web.

3. Then the results related to the image that was referenced will be displayed. There you will see links directed to publications and news where the image could have been used and also images similar to the initial sample.

How to do Reverse Image from the Mobile Phone?

At the moment there is still no development optimized for mobile devices, so to achieve an inverted search from your cell phone you have to have the Google Chrome application.

1. After entering, press the icon of three horizontal bars (three ellipses or the icon of adjustments according to the model of your cell phone) to display the options menu. There, I chose the option 'open web browser' or 'desktop site'.

2. Next, you will see on your screen a version of the search engine page that you can use in the same way it is done through a computer. Do the same process described above. You can upload a file from the photo gallery or take a picture directly.

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